For those of you who have never been to our new house, here is a shot of it. Never mind the yellow, dead grass. This picture was taken right after we moved in and the grass is now much, much greener, even with the cold weather. Mike loves our willow tree. However, all the leaves are on the ground now and need to be raked up. I wonder how much longer he'll love that tree....
The best thing about our new house is the BIG backyard. Boy, does Ethan love playing back there, especially with Dad.
Ethan loves the swing set in our big backyard
It's about time to get a sand box now. Poor Ethan wants to dig and dig but doesn't have anything to dig in but the hard, yucky dirt under our lilac bushes. (The nasty swamp cooler in the background has been removed and after lots of hard work, Mike and my dad have patched the hole and from the inside, you can't even tell there used to be a big hole in my wall.)
This was too cute to pass up. Ethan loves his new lion flashlight and wants all his toys to meet it, including his fire truck. You may meet it sometime if you drop by the house.