7 weird things about me
1. I have a weird thing about a clean house, I can’t stand it to be dirty
2. I have to have the toilet paper roll with the flap on the outside
3. I don’t like chocolate cake
4. I am anal about where Ethan’s toys go, in the living room, family room, and bedroom, they all have their own place
5. I only lived away from home one summer before I got married
6. I have to have my toenails painted in the summer time but don’t care at all in the winter when I wear socks all the time
7. I have to put lotion on my feet every night before I go to bed
10 years ago
1. I had just graduated from high school
2. I was in my first semester at BYU
3. I had lots of friends on mission and I was make cookies to send to them and writing them letters
4. I was saving money by living at home
5. I was so ready for physical science to be OVER!
5 things on my to do list
1. Paint my kitchen.
2. Set up for YW in excellence tonight
3. Make it through YW in excellence tonight
4. Shop for food for YW in excellence
5. Try to take a nap or rest this afternoon
5 snacks I enjoy
1. Crazy corn
2. Chocolate
3. Mom’s mint brownies
4. Nuts
5. A shake from JCW’s or Purple Turtle
5 things I would do if I was a Millionaire
1. SHOP by feet off
2. Buy a new car
3. Fix up my house and then sell it and buy a new one
4. Help out my family with their expenses
5. After all that, I’d put the rest in the bank
5 places I have lived
1. North Orem, UT
2. South Orem, UT
3. Provo, UT
4. Bakersfield, CA
5. Pleasant Grove, UT
5 jobs I have had
1. Buyer at Kid to Kid
2. Sales associate at Kid to Kid
3. Sales associate at Hur Jewelers
4. Legal Secretary
5. Preschool teacher
I tag Catherine, Angie, Summer, and Ashley