Sunday, June 2, 2013

Graduations and field day

Emma graduated from her 3 year old preschool class and was so cute doing it. Her class sang a song and then she received her certificate of completion!
The graduate
 The graduate and her besty
(dunno know they don't look so happy!)
 Receiving her certificate
 Emma said she wanted a picture with her teacher, Miss Janae
 The next day, Ethan had field day and wanted to run the fun run. We all went to support him.
At the start line
 At the finish line with the proof that he ran!
 Then he had more activities. He ran the 50 and 100 yard dash and did awesome!
 The hoola hoop game was a hit.
He thought he was so cool cause he hoola hooped around his neck.
 Emma joined in
 so did Jackson
 Jackson also graduated! He decided to take a leap out of his crib and his a toy and got a black eye so we took the side of the crib off so he could get out of bed easier.
He was pretty excited
 Learning to crawl out
 After an hour and a half of him getting up, waking/bothering Emma, knocking on the door and putting him back to bed a LOT, he finally fell asleep in this position!
It's only been two nights and two naps. He seems to be getting better at going to sleep faster. It will be better to have an annoying, up all the time Jackson than a hurt Jackson, right?

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