Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emma loves...

There have been a few interesting and fun things that Emma has discovered and fallen in love with lately. I just wanted to share...
I've been catching up on the series and every time I put it on and she is with me, she watches with me.
Yup, she's an MJ fan too! Her favorite song is "Beat It!" And she dances to it oh so cute!
What 8 month old doesn't love Elm0? I first noticed it when we went to the library and she picked the book with Elmo on it. She now smiles and giggles when she sees Elmo!
And last but not least...
First herself, she gets the biggest smile on her face when she looks in the mirror or sees this picture which is the background on my computer. But she also adores her big brother. Always has and I think she always will.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Ah, it's so fun to watch their personalities develop! What a sweety! And such a handsome brother she has too!