Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cleaning up

Ethan has been helping clean up around the house more and more lately. Since he was about 2 he has been clearing his dirty dishes and taking them to the sink after eating. The last year or so I've asked him to load them in the dishwasher, unless it's got melted cheese on it, then it needs to be scrubbed off, especially if I'm not starting the dishwasher right away.

Here he is taking part in cleaning up after a yummy breakfast of donuts Saturday morning.

Emma has been pictching in too!
she got to sweep up all the crumbs from the donuts.
I guess I need to get her a shorter broom, it may make the task easier!


Unknown said...

:) You're such a good mom to teach them that while they're young.

bryceandjamie said...

Don't you love when they are old enough to help. My little boy is starting to help do all sorts of jobs around the house. It's fun to work together.