Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Idiot Mother of the Year...that's ME!!

It all started two weeks ago when Emma just was NOT acting herself. I knew she had a cold but it just wasn't getting better, or so I thought. I was fed up, and so was Mike. I called the after hours pediatrician and took her in, just to make sure it was (n't) more than a cold. YUP, sure enough, it was just a cold and we had seen the worst of it. She was much, much better by the next morning. With colds going through the house, Ethan had one too but he handled it much better than Emma, I was worried Jackson would get it too and land in the hospital with RSV, my worst nightmare! So I kept calling and checking with nurses at my pediatrician's office asking what to look for or what to listen for, I'm pretty sure I got a different nurse everytime :) After talking to them ALL, I figured he was okay, even when he sounded like he wasn't. The day after his runny nose went away, I noticed crusty drainage from his ear and knew he had an ear infection. I took him in and was relieved that I wasn't a huge idiot that time. He was put on antibiotics and was doing a lot better, though I still noticed some crusty drainage. After asking all my facebook friends, mom, sister-in-law in nursing school, all while waiting for the nurse to call me back, I took him in today, per doctor's request. Dang was all I thought, I hope he's getting better and not worse, but really I wanted something to be up so I didn't look like a complete dummy. Well his ear infection has cleared up and the drainage is nothing but ear wax. There was a lot near his ear drum and that's what is coming out his ear.
After going to the pediatirician's office every week for the last 3 weeks because I had, or thought I had, sick kids, I get to take Jackson in for his 2 month well child check up next week! I'm sure I'm acting like a first time mom instead of a third time mom! The receptionists and nurses will forever refer to me as the paranoid mom that wasn't until she had her third!
The more I think about it I figure it's because I was done having kids a year ago but a little, sweet boy wanted to join our family. So badly that he told his older brother, Ethan, that he was coming and that his name would be Jackson. At my first doctor's appointment we couldn't hear a heartbeat and I freaked out! I had an ultrasound appointment set right away for that afternoon and his heartbeat was seen immediately. Thank you to the tech who told me first thing that he was there. Then at my 20 week ultrasound, he was measuring small and my placenta was a little too low and he was breach. No biggie, I have c-sections so a butt first baby wouldn't make a difference to me at all. I was sent in at 24 weeks for another ultrasound to check on the placenta and sure enough it had moved and everything was a-okay. He was even measuring right on schedule. Everything from there went great, until colds were brought home and I freaked about RSV. That week we also found out that our insurance agent hadn't turned in paper work to put Jackson on our insurance. That was worked out, but it was stressful. I love my baby boy and am so glad he joined our family I just wish I could get out of my idiot mother mentality!


Julie said...

Bah! You would only be an idiot if you didn't worry about your kids at all. I think I am more paranoid than I used to be - it's because now I know more about all the things that can go wrong - when Taylor was a baby I didn't have a clue what RSV really even was. Your kids can't always tell you what's wrong and it never hurts to be safe - you are doing great and I'm sure they are all three so glad to have you. And trust me, those drs. are used to paranoid mothers, and it's not like they don't get paid for it anyway.

TINA said...

You are not an idiot! You somehow managed to take care of your family and mine all day today; you are an AMAZING mom :)I'm just glad Jackson is fine!

Stacey said...

I was the unparanoid Mom who didn't take her baby to the doctor and ended up with a seven week old in the hospital for three days. You are doing the right thing.

Melissa & J.D. said...

I say better to be cautious than to spend time in the hospital with your sweet babies.

beapinkal said...

i would have done the same thing i think:) for some reason i'm more paranoid with Nora than i ever was with the boys:)

Unknown said...

I'm way more paranoid than I ever used to be! Better safe than sorry!