Thursday, May 3, 2012

Color Me Rad and NieNie

Mike ran the Color Me Rad 5k last week and was covered in color at the end. It was so chaotic that I couldn't find him, everyone looked the same! I called him and eventually we found eachother. The kids thought it was fun, all except Jackson. He was sleeping when we got there and woke up when the guy spoke on the loud speaker! Then he screamed and cried until we left. It was not very pleasant for him.
I made sure the kids wore old clothes incase they got color thrown on them. We got lucky there but not so lucky with the powder being blown all over and getting on my NEW stroller. There's still powder on it.
Mike and the kids after the race!

On another note, I read NieNie's book and really liked it. Emma was asking for "the pictures in the airplane book" tonight and it took me a while to figure out it was NieNie's book she wanted to look at. I caught her reading it and I think it's a really cute picture of my baby girl!

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