Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ethan had a birthday shout Horray!

Hmmm, not may pictures to document this birthday, I guess I was too busy enjoying the fun!
Here's Emma, Jackson, and Ethan in birthday shirts!
 And Ethan with his cake!
I'm pretty sure Ethan had a great birthday number 7! He had a lot of fun birthday week presents...Emma helped me pick out a few...Batman coloring book and activity book, Fanta orange soda (his favorite), sweedish fish (another favorite), angry birds pencil toppers, a paper airplane fold and fly book, and lots of other fun stuff.
I know he got a bunch of stuff he loves for his birthday from Mom and Dad, Grandmas and Grandpas, cousins, and friends. Legos, cool cars that can flip, legos, an angry birds game, legos, a bakugon, legos, legos, and more legos! And money from the great-grandparents he wants to use to buy more legos! The only thing he loves as much as legos is Star Wars, followed closely by angry birds.
Ethan had a fun all boy party. There was pizza making, a light saber fight with Mike acting as Darth Vader, (He didn't like being beat up by 6 boys! Who could blame him?) pizza eating, a silly string fight (note to self...buy more silly string next time!), pinata breaking and running for candy and prizes, cupcake eating, and of course presents! It was a fun evening but I'm glad it's over.
Ethan had 11 days of presents! 7 for the birthday week, presents from Mom and Dad, presents at his party, Grandma took him shopping for his presents from Grandma and Grandpa, and presents with cousins! Phew! You'd think he'd be all presented out, I don't think he is!
I'm very happy that 7 years ago this handsome little guy joined me and Mike. He's a great big brother and he is a super big help to me. He is smart and loves learning in 1st grade. i'm excited for the many many many more birthdays to come with him!
Love you Ethan!!!

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