Monday, September 30, 2013


Tonight's FHE was great! I need to write these things down before I forget!
Mike taught that lesson on prophets to prepare our kids for conference this weekend.
When asked about where prophets get their council, Emma said, "Heavenly Father" like it was a "duh" question. Smart whippersnapper!
Ethan knew Cain was Adam's first born son...we didn't go into the details about how unrighteous Cain was...another day.
When Mike showed pictures of the latter-day prophets, Jackson said jibberish with every picture but in a way, it sounded like each prophet's name.
When we got to Gordon B. Hinckley, Jackson called him "Grandpa" and wouldn't quit calling him that. I'm not sure if he was talking about my dad or Mike's dad.
My kids are funny and retain a lot more information that I give them credit for. I guess when Emma is playing with Doc McStuffins, she really is listening to fhe, and I guess when Ethan is poking Emma during sacrament meeting, or when Jackson is poking Ethan, Ethan really is listening and getting what is being said.

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