Thursday, March 5, 2009

A personality all her own

I have to warn you, this will be a boring post. I'm doing this for my own benefit so I don't forget what it was like to be pregnant with my little girl.
Here are a few things I have noticed about her and what she likes and what she may not like (I am just guessing from the way she moves and kicks):
--I'm pretty sure she loves it when I pray.
--Loves the sugar that comes from fresh fruit right after I have eaten it.
--Hates it when I try to sleep on my tummy, yup I can still do it.
--I can't tell if she hates or loves chocolate, she moves like crazy when I eat it. I'd like to think she takes after me and loves it and is just asking for more.
--She loves to hear me read to Ethan, and Neleah, the little girl I watch Wednesday mornings.
--She really moves a lot at night when I am relaxing and watching Cosby or House in bed, but when Mike tries to feel her move, she stops. Ethan did this too though.
--If I am really comfy in a position that may not look to comfy, she'll push me right out of it. Can't sit on one leg and let the other one dangle off the couch any more.


Grandma Grace said...

I sometimes miss feeling the baby move inside of me. But I am also glad those days are over.

Kristen said...

She loves chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! That was cute and informative to read. :)

Julie said...

Sleeping on my belly is one of the things I miss the most. It is fun to try and guess what kids will be like from pregnancy. I remember seeing Taylor do this weird arm-twitch thing in his sleep after he was born and thinking - oh, that's what I've been feeling all of this time.

Unknown said...

The joys of pregnancy! & you don't even look pregnant yet!

Angie said...

I always read all my blogs from Google Reader, which doesn't show the cute backgrounds that most people have, just the newest post. I came to your blog and was ready to make a sarcastic comment about not ever announcing that you were having a girl, but I just realized that your background is all pink and girly!
So, I'll hold off on my sarcastic remark and just say Congratulations!! Girls are so fun!
(I should learn to check out the actual blogs once in a while.)