Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yuck, again!?!

I got a call this morning from Ethan's friend's mom, a friend we have a little preschool/playgroup with every Monday, and she told me that her little boy has broken out in hand, foot, and mouth disease. Hopefully Ethan was only exposed on Monday and hasn't been contagious for a week! I feel so bad for everyone he has come in contact with so consider this my heart felt apology! Please don't stop playing with us. I had to turn our ward's playgroup kids away. I got the call as the first mommies were pulling into my house. Darn! Please come back next week! I called my doctor's office and talked to a nurse who told me that the carrier is the one who is the most contagious so I am really hoping that Ethan hasn't spread the stuff. I also checked online, because I didn't think to ask when I had the nurse on the phone, and I found out that kids over 10 usually won't get it. They and adults have built up an immunity to it. But if I were to be farther along and about to have my baby, I may pass it on to her. But, gladly, I have another few months and it should all be passed by then. I will just have to wait up to 5 more days to see if Ethan breaks out! He got hand, foot, and mouth from the same friend last February and got about 3 sores in his mouth and couldn't eat much. He was so lucky, he got pudding for whatever meal he asked it for. This time, I have pudding, yogurt, and applesauce all stocked up!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed that we don't have a break out here because that means that probably you won't have a break out either!

(If I have said anything about the disease wrong, you nurses who check my blog, please leave a comment so the other moms who check my blog will know. I am not a medical person, I studied child development in college, so I believe what my nurse tells me and what I find on medical web sites, sorry if I have misled you!)


Grandma Grace said...

There is no way we can predict what the kids pass along. If we only knew we would never go anywhere, let them play with anyone, or associate with other people. I hope he doesn't get it.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

Just get it out of your house before you arrive in Orlando. I hope he doesn't get it for your sake.

Joy said...

I think you only get it kids have all had it and seperate times and never gave it to each other because the youngest one always got it around 18 months and the older ones had already had it.