Saturday, April 10, 2010

Did they or didn't they?

That is the question at our house today?
Did the dinosaurs roam OUR earth? Or did they roam another earth that was used in the "matter unorganized" to create our earth?
The two sides go like this-
1. On day 5 when God created animals, that included the dinosaurs. And where did the fossils and bones come from?
2. Yes there are bones and fossils found here, but wouldn't they have also existed on another planet and if that planet was used to create earth the fossils and bones would be here too. And wouldn't t-rex have eaten the lions, tigers, bears, horses, etc?
I know it's not an eternal principal that one has to have a testimony or not of the dinosaurs, but it's just a thought that's been rolling around in my head all morning.
What's your opinion?


Grandma Grace said...

My vote is that they were created on this earth.

Celeste said...

What a fun thought. I think they were created on this earth, but the lords time is so different that they were extinct before Adam and eve. I look forward to knowing that answer someday.