Friday, August 26, 2011


If you haven't figured it out by my new background and ticker under Ethan and Emma's picture or you aren't my friend on facebook, we are having another BOY!

He's scheduled to arrive the beginning of January! (My due date is the 13th but my doctor told me he'd take him at 39 weeks.)

Ethan's SUPER excited to be getting a baby brother. Emma...well...I'm not sure how much she really understands. After telling her she was getting a brother she told me she wanted a sister. I think she'll warm up and be a great big sister.

I'm excited and Mike is too, not as excited as he would be if my doctor would take the baby December 30th or 31st.


Celeste said...

That is so exciting! Can't wait to see another adorable Herrington! They both will love their little brother :)

Grandma Grace said...
