Friday, January 25, 2008

Me & Mike

Thanks Megan for letting me borrow this from you!

How long did you date? We dated for almost 5 months before we got engaged. We were engaged for 5 months.

How old is he? Mike just turned 26!

Who eats more? Mike can definitely out eat me! Though, we both are food lovers.

Who said "I love you" first? Mike did. The day he left Provo to go home to Minnesota and work for the summer. I really wanted to say it the night before though. I was very relieved to hear that he loved me, and still does.

Who is taller? Mike is.

Who sings better? Mike, hands down! I play the piano better than he does, but that may all change soon.

Who is smarter? I don't know that that is a fair question. Mike knows more about marketing than I do and math and science, but I can whip him when it comes to child development.

Who does the laundry? I do. Mike works so hard at work and deals with lots of stuff there so the least I can do is make sure he has clean underwear, socks, and shirts to wear to work.

Who does the dishes? I know that Mike would do them, he grew up without a dishwasher and he and his brothers and sisters did the dishes every night, but I take over so he can spend the time with Ethan. Some days, we can get most of it done together, but usually that only happens if Ethan is otherwise occupied.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I'm pretty sure that's me.

Who pays the bills? I do, but Mike earns the money.

Who mows the lawn? No one does now, but in the fall Mike did. We got a lawn mower from my parents when they got a newer one and Mike loves doing yard work and keeping our new house looking good! And he does a fantastic job doing it!

Who cooks dinner? I do, but if Mike is flexing that day, he'll offer to make dinner.

Who is more stubborn? Mike is. Unless I can prove that he's wrong by finding it in a book, he'll insist he's right and won't budge!

Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me. On our third date. He wanted to kiss me sooner, but I was nervous.

Who asked who out? Mike asked me out. He called dibs and beat Todd to it. Don't get me wrong, Todd's a great guy, but Mike and I are more compatable. I'm sure glad I was reading my middle childhood development book in the WILK that fateful day 5 years ago.

Who proposed? Mike did. He drove all night from Minnesota to Provo and then waited a day and a half to come to my house and surprise me. We went on a picnic and he acted like nothing was out of the ordinary for nearly 2 hours. Then when he started talking about missing me and that he'd figured out a way to work that out, he was on one knee and proposed. It took me completely by surprise! He even had worked things out with Dave and got my ring from him without me knowing a thing!

Who is more sensitive? That would be ME! Lately, I cry at just about anything. I cried when I saw a commercial for the Gilmore Girls.

Who has more friends? Right now, I do, but that's because Mike is at work all day and doesn't have the time to socialize. Though, I'm sure when he was in high school, he out did me by a land slide.

Who has more siblings? Mike does, by one.

Who wears the pants in the relationship? We share the pair, they are snug, but we like it that way.


Megan said...

I love your story! What a great pair you two make!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday!!!
You are so great. I hope you and Mike have a fun date! To celebrate. Don't stay out too late.

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Karen!! Have a great day and enjoy the 20's while you can.

Kristen said...

I mean the LATE 20's