Sunday, November 30, 2008

I really, really liked it

I went to see Twilight with a friend in my ward this weekend. I have been so excited to see it because I love the books and I think I have a crush on Edward! (Only it's the Edward in my head.) I know movies based on books are different than the book so I was expecting a lot of differences, especially when I re-read Twilight and it is so long I kept thinking, how are they going to put all this information in the movie? But I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it was because I didn't see it opening weekend, maybe it was because the theater wasn't full of 16 year old girls, maybe it was my attitude but I really, really liked it. I will definitely see it again, and maybe twice while it's in the theaters. It was different than the book, a little, but it had to be to cram 400 pages of book into a 2 hour movie, but I enjoyed it and am so excited to see New Moon when it comes out.
What did you think?


Angie said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I really really want to.
The more I hear about it, the more I want to see it. Even the few bad reviews that I have heard make me want to see it...ya know, making my own opinion and all.
I'll let you know when I do see it!

Kristen said...

I need to see it and then I can decide if I want to marry Edward.

B Flat Major said...

When I saw the title of your post, before I even read it, I knew it was going to be about you seeing Twlight. What does that say about us? That we know each other well. That, or that I am a super duper psychic. You choose.

I still need you to send me an email with your correct address, because I'm hoping to do my Christmas cards soon.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

I still need to go see the movie, but Donovan says to forget about Edward.

Maybe I can see it with Kristen (and you again) when we are in Utah.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen it yet but I can't wait. There have been so many mixed reviews, glad you liked it.

Catherine said...

I'm going to see it Friday and I can't wait! Is Edward really THAT hot in the movie?

Julie said...

It was fun to see! Zane took me to see it in Idaho. He is such a good sport. I still think Zane is WAY cuter than Edward.

Jessica said...

I really liked it too. I went in with low expectations and was pleased. I had also read Midnight Sun online before and I liked it more than I think that I would have becuase I was inside his head too!