Monday, July 20, 2009

Guess what Ethan got?

And he loves it! He has been such a good boy and helper this last week that Emma and I have been home that I decided to reward him with Transformers original first season from 1984! (I figured it was better than letting him watch the movie that came out 2 years ago.)


Anne and Wayne said...

What fun! I'll bet it keeps him busy, doesnt it?

Julie said...

Taylor really wants to see the new movie and we heard it was not so clean. They should be more careful when they make a movie that tons of little boys will be watching. Does Ethan have any of the toys yet? I hope that it is keeping him busy so you can rest.

Catherine said...

First new dinosuar jammies, then a new little sister, and now transformers? What a lucky little boy! ;)

I hope you're recovering well and that everything is going okay for you guys. I can't wait to meet Emma!