Sunday, January 10, 2010

A dancing conversation

A conversation between me and Ethan this morning:
Me: Ethan go to the bathroom.
Ethan: I don't have to go to the bathroom.
Me: Yes you do. You're dancing.
Ethan: I'm pretty dancing for you, Mom!

(Mike and I laughing so hard we had to go to the bathroom!)


Celeste said...

That's a new one! How funny! I get so sick of telling Summer and Logan to go to the bathroom. Someday I hope they'll realize before they have to dance that they should go to the bathroom.

Emma is so cute! Doesn't time fly so fast? I'm glad she is liking her tummy. I always gave my kids those biscuits early too. They are so messy though!

Grandma Grace said...

Isn't it interesting that mom can tell when they need to go to the bathroom (often by the dance) but they deny it.

Audrey said...

That is so cute! I love little boys and the funny things they say! This is how a conversation between Cole and I went a few months ago.
me: Cole, do you need to go potty?
Cole: No mom! I am just doing the pee dance for fun!!
Gotta love em!