Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mowin' the lawn

Today was the day that Mike decided to pull the lawn mower out and mow our lawn for the first time since last fall. It really needed it and now it looks great. (I told him that it was okay not to mow earlier, like he would have liked, because none of our neighbors had mowed their lawns.)
Earlier this week I watched 2 of my visiting teacher's 3 girls. We played outside and I spent a good chunk of the time raking up all the tree branches that had fallen off our big tree. After Mike mowed the lawn, the wind picked up and there are almost as many branches on the ground that there were when I raked them up. Oh, well, I guess Ethan and I will just have to play outside this next week so I can rake all those branches up. I am really enjoying the warmer weather. Who isn't out there? I hear it's supposed to get colder this weekend, pray that there isn't much snow! I just bought come new capris and I will be very sad if I can't wear them.
In just a few minutes, we are heading to another Ethan's birthday party. He'll be 4, but our Ethan adores him and he adores Ethan. Our Ethan is such a social kid. I sometimes feel bad for him because he came first and doesn't have at least one older brother or sister to play with. And believe me, we are trying to get him a younger brother, or sister, I really won't care. I have gotten him to the point where if you ask him if he wants a baby brother, he'll say yes. He used to say no! For now though, I am glad that I have him, even when he is horrible and onry. I go check on him before I go to bed and he looks so little and sweet that I forget all about his attitude he has acquired lately.

Can't you see the mischief in his eyes? But he's so cute at the same time. I can't be angry at this kid for very long.


Catherine said...

I love that picture of Ethan! But you're right, I can definitley see the mischief in his eyes. ;) Do all boys have it? Because I'm already more worn out chasing after Jon than I ever was with Emily! He loves to destroy things!

Megan said...

I agree that when we watch them sleeping at night it makes the whole day worth it. Even if they've been little terrors all day, they look like angels when they are asleep!

Audrey said...

That is SUCH a CUTE picture of him! It almost looks like he is seating in the corner (the naughty spot) for doing something he shouldn't have in his nice clothes! He is a social little guy and no wonder ya want another... he is ADORABLE and SWEET!