Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have been attempting at potty training Ethan this week. He did pretty good Monday. I sat him on his potty a few times and told him that when he needed to pee to let me know. (We were in the family room watching TV and movies and had his potty right there next to us.) It wasn't two minutes and he told me he wanted to try to pee. And he did! Not much but he peed. Then he he peed a little in his underwear but not too bad. He did pee again in the potty later though. All in all it was a pretty good day, I thought. Tuesday morning when he woke up I asked him if he wanted to try to pee and he said yes. He got on the potty and tried. Then he asked to wear underwear instead of a diaper. I put undies on him and he did great. He did have an accident, but he was on his way to the bathroom and just didn't make it in time. But I praised him because he was on his way. Today, on the other hand was crappy! (Sorry Mom for my language!) I sat with him and watch a few shows and a movie and put him on the potty every 15 minutes, and nothing. Nothing for 3 hours then BOOM! He peed his undies! I cleaned it up, put on new undies, then went back to what I was doing, ironing right behind him not 10 feet away. I take some stuff upstairs to put in the closet and I hear Ethan yell, "Mom! I just peed my underwear!" Aghh! It hadn't even been 20 minutes. What is a mom who is potty training to do. All you who have boys, please help! He wants to wear underwear, he tells me all the time that he wants to be a big boy and wear underwear. I know I just started, but does anyone have any advice or things that worked for you? All I can think is, am I really ready for another one? Too late....
(Sorry, I just needed to vent mostly!)


Grandma Grace said...

Who can figure these kids out. It just has to click. It is discouraging because you know they know what they are doing.

Kristen said...

You have to just keep making him do it and not give up...otherwise they win and your kids is 4 wearing diapers.

Julie said...

I have no special tricks or advice to offer that have worked miracles for me. In fact, to be honest - I hate potty training and would rather change diapers than clean up accidents all day. The good news is, even if you stink at training, like I do, the kids all get the hang of it eventually. Just buy lots of clorox wipes and that really thick underwear and be very patient in the meantime.

Janae&DonovanLott said...

If you have Ethan wear pants, it absorbs the pee better. I know it sounds gross, but you don't have to worry about the carpet. Good Luck! Kids just have their own time frame.