Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ethan's birthday

I know I'm 2 weeks late, but better late than never, right? Here is my sad attempt at a Bumblebee cake for Ethan.

The birthday boy and his cake...make a wish

Ethan was more interested in playing with all his Transformers than he was in eating cake

But we all enjoyed the cake

Ethan got a mini copy of the Book of Mormon from his primary teachers. He loves it and was so excited to see it waiting on our front porch when we got home from Sunday dinner at my parents'

I love that he loves this present and that he is hugging it.
I can't believe that my baby boy is 4 years old. I love having him be a part of my family and I can't remember what it was like to not have him in my life. My only wish would be that he could stay this small forever.


Audrey said...

Happy late Birthday Ethan! I think you did a great job on the cake! That would be a hard one! I would have just stuck a few transformers in it and called it good... you atleast were creative!

Kristen said...

Happy B-day Ethan. 4 is such a great age! I wish they would stay that age too.

Grandma Grace said...

I know that he loved the cake and it looked great. You can take the Bk of Mormon to the distribution center (or some other place that does it) and get his name put on the front. But, sadly, it costs more to put on the name than it costs for the book.

Julie said...

Four sounds so very old - Happy birthday to Ethan! I love the cake - LOVE it. I'm impressed that Mike doesn't have a black mouth in the picture. I've used black frosting before and it made everyone look really funny after they ate it.