Friday, September 4, 2009

Figuring things out!

My last post may have misled a few of you so let me clarify...I am very, very grateful for my baby girl, I waited a long time for her and I am so happy to have her in my life. It's exciting for me to see her responding to me, Ethan, and Mike by smiling back at us. As Mike puts it, "It's very rewarding!" We are thrilled to have her and look forward to the rest of her life to have her be part of our family. Never in a million years and not for all the money in the world would I give her back.
I do, however, get a little upset having a newborn because they don't talk and tell me what they need. I am so used to Ethan and him being able to tell me that he's hungry or hot or cold or whatever that it's difficult for me to understand Emma and get her what she needs. However, there are a few things that I have started figuring out lately about my Emma. Here area few things that come to mind--
*She doesn't like being nursed under a blanket. She get too warm, falls asleep, and no matter what I do, she won't eat enough, not even in 1/2 an hour. So please don't get upset and think that I am rude if I leave the room when you are at my house to feed my baby. She will, though, take a bottle so if we are having fun, I'm going to get a bottle for her and don't be mad about that either!
*Emma is a social eater. When it's time for dinner, no matter how long it has been since she has eaten, she fusses and acts like she's hungry. Maybe, however, she just wants to sit at the dinner table with the rest of us.
*Emma is a daddy's girl. I have noticed the last few days that when Mike walks into the house, Emma fusses. I take this as, "I've missed you Daddy and I love you Daddy!"
*I know that the above mentioned is not, "Oh, yuck, it's Daddy!" because last night when I held Emma on my lap at dinner, all she did was stare at Mike.
*Emma will be fine and play by herself for no more than about 20 minutes, then she needs something new to look at. Even moving her from the floor or bed where she has been happily staring at the ceiling fan to the bouncy or swing will make her happier.
*Emma is not a fan of shopping, yet. She doesn't last long running errands. I may have to start finding a sitter when I go to the grocery store, any volunteers? :)
*Emma, like most babies, fights sleep, so hard sometimes!!
I hope that I can continue to figure more out as we get more used to eachother.
I love you. baby girl!


Catherine said...

Karen, I would never think you don't appreciate Emma! You are such a loving mommy to her and Ethan. I like how you said she's not a fan of shopping YET because she is a girl, so of course, she'll love shopping eventually! ;)

Thanks for sharing these fun little bits about your sweet baby.

B Flat Major said...

Be grateful she likes her dad so much. ALL four of my kids have preferred me, and although it is flattering sometimes, very often I wish he was their favorite so I could have break! P.S. You're not the only one in the world who prefers toddlers. I'm not a baby-adorer either. I love them because they're mine, but I love them more as they get old enough to communicate and interact!