Tuesday, June 1, 2010

10 on Tuesday

10 Favorite memories of my dad
(I just had to put this picture here, it's one of my favorites. I know Mom, I'm sorry I didn't get the picture of us from my wedding on here for mother's day!)
1. Dad teaching me to drive my stick shift car at the Orem City Cemetary-lots of hills to start on!
2. He fixed my big wheel when I was about Ethan's age. He took (I think) Jane's red Strawberry Shortcake wheel and put it on my pink and white big wheel. I thought it was so cool.
3. Making home made ice cream and root beer.
4. Anything associated with his laugh.
5. His Lake Powell language!
6. When I was little, I was in the BYU children's creative dance program and my dad used to come pick me up after work. Those were some fun conversations.
7. Taking me, and lots of others, to the lake on Saturday mornings to ski.
8. When I was in 6th grade I fell off my bike and scraped my arm pretty good. Dad put a big bandage on it and I was worried that I'd get made fun of, but he told me to tell them that my dr said I need it (and he has his PhD so he is a Dr, right?)
9. He was, and still is, always fixing things. Around our house a lot in the last 3 years.
10. When I was a little girl I used to go to his office with my mom to pick him up, I'd get out of the car and stand in front of the one way mirrored windows at his office to get his attention to let him know we were there, I'd wave until I saw him come out the door.

1 comment:

Anne and Wayne said...

I loved those memories, Karen. I will be sure your dad sees this blog.