Monday, July 19, 2010

Road trip

We took Emma on her first road trip two weeks ago. It was just days before her 1st birthday and I figured she was old enough and big enough to be turned around in her car seat. (I knew she'd enjoy the 3 hour drive to Blackfoot, ID better that way too!)
Doesn't she look happy?
Had to get one of this happy boy too.
Very excited kids Unfortunately, that excitement didn't last long so I had to pull out the dvd player (thanks Mom!)

Then it was snack time just before the UT/ID border
Mike had pretzels
And decided to be a walrus to keep the kids entertained.
That didn't last long either but thank goodness I found some suckers the day before we left so I handed those to the kids to keep them happy.
This one was a MESS by the time we got to the hotel. Oh well she was happy for a few minutes.
This one, on the other hand, was not so messy!

1 comment:

Grandma Grace said...

It was a lot of driving in two days.