Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ethan's new favorite song

Last week I bought the soundtrack to Twilight and I have to say that I love it. I listen to it all the time while I am cooking or cleaning or even blogging. Ethan has gotten to the point where he asks what every song is. In the car, in the kitchen, everywhere. So it's no surprise that he wanted to know what the first song on the Twilight soundtrack was the first few times I played it. I told him and then he loves it and requests it often I figured I needed to add it to our play list! I hope you enjoy! (Oh and it's Supermassive Black Hole, if you've seen the movie, you'll know right where it's played.)


B Flat Major said...

Yet another reason Ethan and Becca should get married. Ain't no Wiggles tunes for her -- she likes (and requests by name, when we are in the car) Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones, among other songs. I'm sure she'd like this one too.

Rock on, Ethan!!!

Audrey said...

How CUTE! I may have to pick up that cd. I have been lacking in the music department for awhile now!
Thanks for the preg update! I am still so pumped we get to be prego together... AGAIN!

Kristen said...

You didn't tell me you got this...bring it over so i can add it to my IPOD.

Aim said...

I lOVE this CD. I bought it too, mainly for the Linkin Park song-but I do love #1 on the soundtrack too!