Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ever notice...

Ever notice how little boys like to play with doll houses, especially when they don't get to play with one everyday? Ethan loves doll houses and little dolls. When we were in Vegas, he liked to play with Meg's Polly Pocket dolls and other small dolls. It really doesn't bother me at all because I have seen him get excited over trucks, dinosaurs, and sports!


Catherine said...

Besides Nicholas' son, Jace, Ethan is probably the most BOY that you can get! I think it's cool he liked Meg's doll stuff. It's hilarious that he calls every action figure, Buzz, even if it looks nothing like Buzz Lightyear!

Kristen said...

I guess we can get polly pockets for Ethan for his birthday. Yeah!

Janae&DonovanLott said...

You know, a boy with two sons, I have not noticed any of us wanting to play with doll houses. But then again, you never know who is the outlier in life, do you?