Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hair cuts, finally!

Yesterday both Ethan and I got our hairs cut! His really, really needed it and it looks great! The best part is that he held still the whole time. Not a peep! Shocking, because the last time he had his hair cut, he squirmed the whole time. One time, he yelled the whole time, while I was holding him. That was a really bad experience, and he was nearly bald, and I will NEVER take him back to that lady! This girl, however, was awesome. I'd definitely recommed that salon to anyone! (I have a $5 off coupon to anyone who wants to go see the girl who does my hair. Just let me know and I'll get it to you!) I had my hair done by a different girl. I love this girl and how she does my hair. It always takes me a few days to get used to my new cut, so if you see me today or tomorrow and my hair looks goofy, that's why. It'll look better in a few days!


Kristen said...

where's the pictures?

Unknown said...

I second kristen and matt, we need to see pics!