Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mayhem at the dino museum

$2 would seem like a fantastic deal to go see the dinosaurs at the Thanksgiving museum right? WRONG! It was nuts, fun, but nuts. My bosom cousin and I ventured out to see the dinos with four kids. The line was so so long. Surprisingly, it only took 10 minutes to get in though. I had a lot of fun and I know Ethan did too. Here he is with Jane and Hannah looking at the mural on the outside of the museum.Ethan has recently discovered the Utahraptor, but it looks like a velociraptor so he thought that was what this one was. Looks pretty scary, huh? It was the most dangerous dinosaur.
Oh the sand and water table. He just loves that place. Poor kid needs a sand and water table don't you think?
All in all it was fun, adventurous, you know what I mean, Julie, but fun!


Kristen said...

I thought you were looking for a sand/water table for his b-day?

Catherine said...

Yea for bosom cousins! :) Everytime I see a kid with a dinosaur on his shirt, I think of Ethan. You should get Ethan a sand/water table. He would love it! We bought Jon just a water table for his birthday because I thought a sand/water table would make too much of a mess, but I always strip him down to his diaper anyway. Plus I've learned kids should be kids and be allowed to make a mess! :)

Jessica said...

Amid all the madness and mayhem, we managed to see you in the parking lot. It was good to say hi, even for a brief minute. Ethan is so cute. We didn't even brave the water/sand tables. It was too crazy and I managed to get the kids past it without a fit. That will be for another day!