Saturday, March 15, 2008

My bosom cousin

Today is my bosom cousin's birthday and I just wanted to shout out a big happy birthday to Julie. You were always my favorite, sorry Catherine, Stacey, and everyone else with "Callister thighs," and you still are! I love you lots and hope Jef took you on a hot date, or at least did the dishes! Happy birthday!


Julie said...

Oh my! I was just about to go to bed after a very nice birthday, and then I decided to check the blogs and now my birthday is EVEN better. Thanks for remembering me! Kindred spirits like ours are hard to come by - "pears to be!"

El Jefe said...

Jef did take Julie on a hot date. they went to Gandolfo's and had loads of fun. The best part of this story is that Jef arranged the entire date - baby sitting, choice of restaurants, and places to go after the date. Kudos to you Jef, for showing Julie just how cool you are.

Happy Birthday Julie!