Thursday, June 5, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Man it seems like this week I have been going, going, going and not stopping. Monday, I added a lot more flowers to my flower beds, thanks Mom for your leftovers. I also had to add a lot of other stuff to my flower beds because our soil is yucky and won't allow anything to grow well. I spent 2 hours in the yard just in the morning. Then Ethan and I headed to Lowe's to buy more flowers to plant in some pots to put on our front porch. That, along with a few other projects, took another hour and a half! I was so tired Monday night I tried going to bed at 7, but got stopped by FHE and putting Ethan to bed.
Tuesday we went to Aunt Grace's, that was so fun! Sorry, Catherine about the no picture thing. I totally forgot my camera. That night I had young women's and had to run to Macey's to get a treat for after our combined YW/YM activity. We were going on a service scavengar hunt and guess how many youth showed up? 4!! Now, usually we only have about 10, but 4? Our bishopric member over us said we could just go home. I invited the youth over to my house to get some ice cream. We'll have to try that again when we think we can get more youth there.
Wednesday I had a presidency meeting and had to clean my house. I even mopped my floors, aren't you proud Mom? I also had 2 weeks worth of ironing to do. Mike has to wear shirts and ties to work so he needs ironed shirts. It felt like a very full day. Eventhough it was a little less hectic than I thought it would be. Ethan and I were able to have lots of fun.
Today has been a GREAT day. While we missed Taylor, Jane, Hannah, and Jono, we hope they get better, and you too, Julie! Mike came home early, at 2, and I wanted to have a Happy Thursday party, kind of like a birthday party I made up, but Ethan wasn't too into the idea of making cup cakes. Darn! But we sure did have a lot of fun playing with his dinosaurs and animals. He put them all in a pile and had his matchbox cars go to their party. It was so fun.
The best thing about this week has been that Ethan has been such a good kid! Monday, he did get in my way while I was working on the yard, he got into the hose and sprayed everything, but other than that, he's been great! He is mischevious, but he's great too! What would my life be like without him?


Kristen said...

I want to see the pictures of the flowers in your yard.

Brenda said...

Me too, me too. What kinds did you plant? This year I did lots of varieties in different locations. Zinnias in the front, vincas, verbena, stock, and a few more zinnias in the back. Hopefully the ones I have a new relationship with will grow right!

Audrey said...

Busy Bee you are!! That is an adorable picture of little E!

Audrey said...

Sorry, he probably thinks and wants to be called Big E!

Grandma Grace said...

I can't believe you iron his shirts. That's why dryers with buzzers were invented. And Downey makes a great product- wrinkle release. You are such a good wife and mom.

Megan said...

Yeah you are a good wife because I couldn't tell you were our iron is. I HATE ironing!! Your boys are lucky guys to have you!