Friday, June 6, 2008

Pictures for Kristen and Brenda

Okay ladies, I'm not sure what you really wanted to see, if anything. But here goes...

Here is one of my pots I put together Monday afternoon. Ethan helped a little too.
Here's the other one. Similar, but different.
This is my flower bed next to the drive way. Way back in the left corner there is a bleeding heart that Mom gave me. I was so excited the other day to see that it has grown!
Here is half of my flower bed in the front yard. (The other half looks pretty much the same.)
Here is the big, ugly potted rose bush in my front yard. Mike gave it a good cut down when it first started getting warm and it has gotten out of control. But, there are a few roses blooming and there will be a lot more. Hopefully, it's pretty.
There you go Kristen and Brenda! I hoped you liked the pictures. There isn't anything too exotic there. Snap dragons, rhododendrums, (I think that's how it's spelled?) perenials, and a few other bushes that I can't remember. I just bought what I thought would look pretty. So far, they are surviving. I'll keep watering them like crazy so they look great the rest of the season.


Kristen said...

I don't even buy flowers anymore because they live for awhile and then they die when I leave for the summer because they don't get watered. Your flowers look nice though

Brenda said...

I liked your pots. I've never attempted doing a potted arrangement. I feel pretty confident with flower beds after doing them for a few years, but for some reason I've never thought I'd be good at planting a bunch of different blooms together in a container. Go figure.

Audrey said...

UMMM when you come to Idaho next month for your reunion, maybe you can stop by here and teach me how to do that?!?!
What a GREEN THUMB you are Karen! You iron AND plant flowers?? Wonder Wife!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Audrey, your pots look awesome and your flower bed is going to grow in so nicely! You have to come and visit and help me do one too!

Julie said...

I always knew you were good at making things look beautiful! You have good taste. So, your yard should be getting enough water this week, but is it getting any SUNSHINE?