Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ethan shares now!

Last week, when there were only 4 youth who showed up to the combined YM/YW activity, we went to my house for ice cream bars. Ethan was playing with his dinosaurs, what a shocker, and shared with one of our young women. She is handicapped and loves puzzles and toys. The next day, I had a presidency meeting at my house and she came with her mom, (her mom is in the presidency). Again, Ethan shared with her. The other counselor came with her little boy who is 17 months old. Ethan would have shared with him, but he just wanted to wander, which was fine. Then yesterday, we had to go to the craft store to get some things for our activity last night, gold leafed color transpancies of the temple, I asked one counselor to come with me so she could get some things with Robert's 40% off coupon too, to help out on the YW budget. I told Ethan that we were going to see James, the same little boy who came over last week and he, Ethan, shared his toys with. To that, Ethan responded, "I shared my toys with Teela, too!" I was so proud that he shared. Anyone who knew Ethan a year ago, knows that everything is his. He still claims this, but is getting better.


Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

Sharing is one of those valuable life lessons that many adults have not yet learned. I remember I used to make Cassidy share with me because I was afraid by the time she had to share with a sibling she would be too old and it would be too late to start learning!

Kristen said...


Kristen said...

Just kidding. I think sharing is a hard concept. I mean think about it, when my friend comes over she doesn't just go into my closet and take a shirt to wear or grab something out of my kitchen and take it. We would be outraged, but then we make our kids share thier special toys with thier friends and sometimes people who aren't even thier friends. I know it's good to share, but I can understand why kids don't want to.

Megan said...

Sharing is hard for little kids, so congrats to Ethan! He must have good parents who teach him good things like that!

Audrey said...

GO ETHAN!! I once read in the Nursery manual (about 10 years ago) not to expect the kids to share and get along perfectly because kids can't grasp that concept til age 6! So he is ahead advanced!