Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grandma

Today is my favorite Utah Grandma's birthday and I just wanted to take a second to let her and the whole bloggin' world how much I love her and how great she really is. I love to sit on her lap while she plays the piano and then we sing together "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and "BINGO" and "I've Been Workin' on the Railroad." Here is a one of my favorite pictures of us, if you are a regular at out blog, you may have seen it, but it's a good one--
Singing away at the piano!
Grandma loves to buy fun stuff for me and my cousins! And she has kept all of my mom and aunt's and uncles' old toys from the 70's and 80's. The old Fisher Price farm that moos, she's got it. The old circus train, yup, I love that toy. She is the best Grandma! Not only will she buy us toys and spoil us rotten, she actually gets down on the floor to play with us. And when I wanted to put all of Diego's animals upside-down and then be upside-down myself, here's what she did--

Ya ya you regulars have seen this before too, but doesn't it look like fun?

Well Grandma, I really hope you have a fun day and enjoy the present I got you. I picked it out all by myself and am so excited to give it to you in just a few hours. We'll see you soon--Happy Birthday and I love you lots--

love Ethan

1 comment:

Anne and Wayne said...

Thank you, Ethan. I love you, too. And your mother as well. (Even your dad.)